Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I found out today that my cousin's unborn baby has Downs Syndrome. There is no way to tell how "high functioning" the baby will be until it is born, but he or she is healthy otherwise... so that's good.
I decided to read a bit more about Down's Syndrome, because I don't know much about it...

And I came across a piece of info that just about broke my heart. It was something like 90 something percent of unborn babies diagnosed with down syndrome in the UK are aborted. I don't think that this was super recent info, but still.

Regardless of anyone's view on abortion, because I don't want to get into any arguments about that... I am a firm believer in "it's YOUR choice but don't take it lightly" even though I would personally not be able to do that... ok tangent...
I just couldn't believe the high numbers! I mean, people with downs syndrome can have a lot of problems... there is the potential for that; but so many don't.

I just cried when I read that. And then I cried for my cousin. I'm so happy that she is a loving mother who is just so happy that nothing else is wrong with her baby, and is just focused on keeping it as healthy as possible. I know that this child will be treated the same as all her other children. By her. But the world can be so mean.
and i guess that's why I'm so sad now...
Please keep my cousin and her baby in your prayers!


  1. my heart aches for your cousin. I am happy that she loves that little child regardless! I know plenty of people with Downes who still live AMAZING lives! One of the men at my group home I worked with had Downes. His name was George and he was one of the most amazing guys I have ever met! he changed my life! I loved his smile, and the joy he found in his life! He used to sing me elvis songs and "play" his guitar! He called me his girl, and loved to play with my hair! Although he wouldnt know me now, I'll never-ever forget him!

    Your cousins daughter will change lives too! She just needs people to believe in her and love her!

  2. Yes, I will be praying for your cousin and this baby and the rest of the family. It is very sad but I also know that this can be used for good in their lives too. Every baby deserves to be wanted and people to be excited about their life. I have no doubt that this little one will be very loved and given every opportunity to shine. Bless your beautiful heart Kaitlyn. XX

  3. Kaitlyn, I am so sorry to hear about your cousin. None of us want to see a new life start out with disavantages especially with health issues and cognitve deficits but this doesn't mean that this child will have less of a full life. I do realize that the health aspects can be overwhelming for them and their family. It is hard to see them have to go through the heart ache and suffering. I am sure that this baby will be much loved and blessed. You never know God's plan for this baby. Bless your very caring heart, I know you will be a great help and support for this family. I have 2 down syndrom students in my program and they are great and both have a great love of life They make my day and are always so positve about life; One comes every morning with such a great morning greeting for me. I love it.

  4. I hope everything will be well.. my neice has Marfan syndrom, and the more I read about it the more I feel 'this might be the last time I see her'. It is incredibly painful to be preoccupied with such thoughts. I decided to stop reading about the case, and enjoy my time with the kid.. Life can be mean, but there is always hope! my prayers are with you, your cousin, and the baby.

  5. Thank you all for being so sweet!
